TIP-063: Drop support for legacy staking

As part of the merge process between NU and KEEP networks that originated Threshold, legacy stakers were facilitated their integration into the new network by ad-hoc staking connectors. The goal was to provide an almost seamless experience that didn’t require unstaking from the legacy networks.

After successfully supporting legacy staking for almost 2 years, it’s increasingly clear that keeping support for these legacy connections is becoming a liability, not only in terms of development complexity (e.g., the Threshold staking contract can barely fit a few more bytes of code), but also in terms of precious time from development teams, and perhaps more dramatically, as a liability in the form of increased attack surface.

This proposal intends to drop support for legacy staking connectors; specifically, it proposes to authorize the Threshold Council, as owner and upgradeability admin of the Threshold staking contract, to perform the actions that are necessary to implement these changes, including upgrades to the staking contract itself (see https://github.com/threshold-network/solidity-contracts/pull/153 as a first step for this). In addition, there’s a series of additional adjustments that need to be made to the rewards calculation procedures in order to ensure that legacy stakers don’t see their rewards disrupted, as long as they keep staking with native T (see Drop support for legacy KEEP stakes · Issue #141 · threshold-network/solidity-contracts · GitHub for more information).


Hey @davidnunez thanks for this proposal, it is super necessary for the DAO :slight_smile:

It is not super clear to me what the calls to action and next steps are, do you mind following our ‘de facto’ template for TIPs? you can find an example in GP-032. Thank you!


Thanks for articulating this, @davidnunez. I agree it’s definitely time for this. Both contributor teams are juggling more than enough between development, governance work like this, answering community questions, etc.

And I’m happy to help get this into the format per @Luna5’s note if needed!

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Vote Type

Token holder DAO Snapshot with a 5-day vote period.

DAO-elected Sponsors



3 days for comment / discussion on this proposal.
Token holder DAO Snapshot with a 5-day vote period.


As part of the merge process between NU and KEEP networks that originated Threshold, legacy stakers were facilitated their integration into the new network by ad-hoc staking connectors. The goal was to provide an almost seamless experience that didn’t require unstaking from the legacy networks.

After successfully supporting legacy staking for almost 2 years, it’s increasingly clear that keeping support for these legacy connections is becoming a liability, not only in terms of development complexity (e.g., the Threshold staking contract can barely fit a few more bytes of code), but also in terms of precious time from development teams, and perhaps more dramatically, as a liability in the form of increased attack surface.


This proposal intends to drop support for legacy staking connectors; specifically, it proposes to authorize the Threshold Council, as owner and upgradeability admin of the Threshold staking contract, to perform the actions that are necessary to implement these changes, including upgrades to the staking contract itself (see https://github.com/threshold-network/solidity-contracts/pull/153 as a first step for this). In addition, there’s a series of additional adjustments that need to be made to the rewards calculation procedures in order to ensure that legacy stakers don’t see their rewards disrupted, as long as they keep staking with native T (see Drop support for legacy KEEP stakes · Issue #141 · threshold-network/solidity-contracts · GitHub for more information).

Next steps


Thank you to all of the devs who have maintained legacy staking for 2 years! This continuity was critical in the early days of Threshold but it’s time to wind-down legacy staking.

Thank you for bringing this important conversation to the forum @davidnunez. I would like to be a DAO sponsor for this TIP.


TIP-063: Support for legacy staking has been moved to Snapshot


If this proposal is approved, we will drop support for legacy staking connectors.

Snapshot for TIP-063 has passed Snapshot with the following results:

YES: 497M T - 100%
NO: 0 T - 0%
ABSTAIN: 0 T - 0%

We are now in the process of upgrading the staking contracts to remove the legacy staking.

Upgrade was executed in this TX:

Instructions for legacy stakers now the legacy staking contracts have been disconnected: Transition Guide for Legacy Stakers

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