TIP 46: Defi Liquidity Bootstrap and Growth Part I - Market Maker

Update: tBTC Liquidity Bootstrap


  • Volume continue to grow on chain, now tBTC on-chain volume averages around $3M/day
  • Daily trading volume tracked by Coingecko above $2M/day for 30days consecutively
  • Over 95% daily trading volume are on chain volume on decentralised exchanges
  • Mainnet has the highest volume for large trades
  • Base, Solana and Polygon are more active L2 chains for smaller trades.


Links to wallets/dashboard for 3 key accounts. (Snapshot 30/Jan/2024)

Net Asset Value $839,664.75
MM Wallet $346,176
LP Vaults $334,416
Solana 159,072.75


Here are the links to a real time/daily snapshot of primary liquidity allocations.

  • Primary T-MM (EVM) account, bootstrap liquidity for tBTC, T tokens, deploy into linear pools dashboard link
  • Solana T-MM (Solana) account, bootstrap liquidity for tBTC, T tokens, deploy into linear pools, Sonar Watch dashboard link
  • Smart contract LPVaults, Automated Liquidity Manager contracts, performance dashboard link


  • Total Repayable Value are $683,900 USD value or 25M T token
  • While the market price of T is lower than our strike price. ($0.0273)
  • The T-MM portfolio has a surplus of $155,764.75 ~22.7% above Repayable Value.

Growth Opportunity

  • Double down on Optimism/Base liquidity as tBTC liquidity stronghold
  • Increase tBTC integration with Defi primitives with application across trading, lending and option derivatives.

Next steps

  • Define how to best handle surplus to support operation expenses and growth.
  • Our plan is to have the option to use surplus to support operation expenses (server, engineering, operation staff) or use it as collateral to unlock the last leg of T-MM call option.
  • sense.capital is planning to post additional 8BTC in the coming weeks to unlock stage 3 of T-MM option as per current proposal, but we need the option to use Surplus for that.

Bitcoin Collateral
I have transfer 8 tBTC as additional Bitcoin collateral to unlock the last leg of T token option allocation of 25M T

6 tBTC transfer from T-MM Surplus

2 tBTC from sense capital wallet

Please process transfer to verified T-MM Inventory wallet

7 days after the transfer of last T option allocation, I will provide summary and breakdown

  • 3 token T options (10M,15M, 25M) once we have recorded 7D moving average of the last T option allocation
  • Strike price and Total Repayable Value
  • Liquidity allocation plan that suits current Bitcoin market

The Threshold Treasury Guild committee recommends reducing the 3rd and last BTC collateral requirement (Sense has posted the 1st two, totaling 12 BTC) outlined above (see: TIP 46: Defi Liquidity Bootstrap and Growth Part I - Market Maker - #7 by sensecapital ) by 50% (to 4.5 BTC) and breaking it into 3 monthly posts.

Rationale: in addition to changing market conditions in the last year (price of BTC was ~$28k when TIP-46 went to Governor Bravo vote March 31st last year) Taylor and @sensecapital have gone above and beyond to promote tBTC from a liquidity perspective, as well as champion us to his network. Their liquidity allocations have been instrumental in our growth and continue to drive volume and growth for Threshold.

Specifically, we ask the DAO to ratify these changes to the original terms of TIP-46 as follows:

  • Collateral requirement for stage three T token optional grant has reduced from 9 BTC to 4.5 BTC

  • Sense will post 1.5 BTC collateral to TTG treasury wallet each month for 3 months, starting from the 25M T token transfer (post ratification of this via Snapshot)

  • Strike price of 3rd leg of 25M T token shall be set based on 7-day moving average of daily close price as per original proposal

Given this is a modification based on recommendation of TTG committee entrusted with management of this partnership, I will go ahead and post this to Snapshot - but if anyone has any questions or concerns, please respond here or in Discord. Thank you.


Thank you John for posting the specific details and new recommendation of TTG committee.

We accept the new collateral requirement and look forward to drive further tBTC liquidity growth as outlined in the stage 3 of original proposal.


This proposed update to TIP-46 terms with @sensecapital is live here: Snapshot


3rd T token inventory

  • 25M T token was received on 24th April 2024 Ethereum Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | Etherscan

  • Strike Price of 3rd leg of 25M T token: $0.03489428571 using 7 day moving average calculated between 24th April-30 April based on daily close price ( $0.03504 $0.03503 $0.03420 $0.03579 $0.03578 $0.03357 $0.03485)

  • Total Repayable Value are $1,556,257.14 USD value or 50M T token (total of 3 T legs)

Sense tBTC collateral
Two tBTC collateral transfers has been sent to TTG

Total sense collateral post 15 tBTC with current collateral value of $1,038,000 (tBTC price: $69200 on 9 June 2024). Additional 1.5 tBTC collateral are scheduled to be sent to TTG by the end of June 2024.