Nov9th,21 Integrations Guild Call Agenda
- Any thoughts on how to follow on on this ? We need to give an answer.
- “SkillWallet is a Role-Based Membership system. Choose your Market, create Roles for your DAO Members, and add the Contracts you want to track. Members will then be able to inject any existing Wallet, and pick their Role in the Community.”
- Meeting comments:
- No feedback right now, tools for DAO’s is a discussion for organization “guild”
- Research further
- Updates on the pool
- How to incentivize Votes for gauge (CRV rewards) - Need to research this and come up with alternatives
- Meeting comments:
- Right now two large holders are voting for the Gauge. We don’t want to get too many crv rewards there rn bc of liquidity… wait until the launch for that
- We need to work on the idea of our protocol owning voting power (CRV and/or CVX) → treasury discussion
Other Protocols
- Review the list - who is up for leading contacts ?
- Primary Focus on Lending/Borrowing (tBTC as Collateral)
- Meeting comments:
- Lead on Maker: Jake
- Lead on Abracadabra, Rari : Evandro
- Lead on Euler: MrsNuBooty
- Any updates on Notional ? gotta ask Mo if he’s still on that
- 88mph and Element need tBTC being on Lending protocols
- More updates on the sheet
- If no contact, we could use contacts of the Keep or Nu Leaders, but it should be Last Resort.
- Updates about the call and next steps
- Call with Billi, Mo & Will
- Meeting comments:
- Uma KPI options → probable launch mid Q1
- We need to define which aspects are to be incentivized (e.g. Minting tBTC, running a node, etc)
- Asked people to join the discussion, and form a working group
- Updates about the call and next steps
- Updates on the proposal / next steps
- Proposal should be ready this week
- Updates on the proposal / next steps