Is the T going to be split up into an employee pool and a treasury? How large will each be?
The tLabs allocation is meant to incentivize team members and secure talent. There will not be a tLabs treasury and annual budget requests will be at-cost without a profit margin baked in. A major goal of the proposed structure is to align tLabs as closely as possible with T token holders so tLabs’ equity should, ideally, be worthless.
How does the USD funding for tLabs come in? At what speed? Will tLabs periodically submit budget requests to the DAO, or will that be managed another way?
@sap suggested annual budget requests above. Whatever cadence that isn’t a significant distraction or work burden is fine.
tLabs will want to know well in advance if it’s not getting funded so it can make personnel changes, etc.
tLabs sole purpose is to engage with Threshold DAO. If Threshold decides to end that relationship, tLabs no longer has any reason to exist.
Is comp at the discretion of the CEO or another manager or director? How are conflicts handled?
Comp would be at my discretion, yes. If a DAO multisig is managing the token incentives they would be aware of that component but I want to avoid the DAO micromanaging operational details. The DAO should view tLabs as a vendor.
Does tLabs have a board?
I don’t anticipate the need for a board. The DAO will have ultimate authority to end its engagement with tLabs if it’s not delivering a sufficient value.
Who are the shareholders?
The corporate structure isn’t finalized yet but If it’s a pass-through LLC entity or reportable foreign entity, I will likely not be a shareholder due to the personal tax complications that may introduce. Another possibility is that tLabs starts as a wholly-owned subsidiary of NuCo (of which I’m the majority shareholder) so that we can use the existing operational infrastructure (payroll, etc.).