This proposal is for the Threshold Network DAO to establish a Marketing Guild committee with a pro-tem leadership team for a six month period, starting March 1, 2022.
A well-structured Marketing Guild is integral to the success of the Threshold network and requires a thriving community of people marketing, educating, and providing support for other guilds. The Threshold Marketing Guild (TMG) has hit a roadblock in laying the proper framework for a community-run marketing effort.
With over 400 members in the Marketing Guild and over 30 contributing monthly, the funds from the legacy Keep budget are now stretched too thin. Without proper funding it has been hard to find members capable of contributing more than they already are, without an increase of their stake in the Threshold Network.
In order to secure continuity, the TMG needs a committee of fairly compensated CORE contributors in order to oversee the development and deployment of proper onboarding tools and processes, develop well-defined and coordinated marketing and educational campaigns, manage the marketing guild operations and TMG pods, and review proposals to ensure they are aligned with the current vision and roadmap of the TMG.
However, we want to encourage all community members to contribute to the Marketing Guild, and in turn be rewarded for it. We propose that a structured bounty system be put in place. The list of tasks and projects on the bounty board will be curated by the Marketing Guild Committee (henceforth referred to as MGC), and will be available for all approved community members to claim, complete, and collect payment for. Alongside this bounty system, we want to develop a proposal workflow that will foster the creativity and vision of contributors by allowing them to prepare and submit their own proposals for review by the MGC.
The expectation for committee members will be 8 hours of work weekly. During these 8 hours the committee will review proposals, manage the to-be-created job board, and oversee the guild pods. Another critical responsibility of the marketing guild committee will be to work with the NuCypher and Keep representatives to ensure that the efforts and direction of the TMG are aligned with those of the Nucypher and Keep teams.
The initial committee would consist of five leading TMG contributors (also stakeholders in the Threshold Network), an advisor (already in place) and two Threshold team members.
1. MrsNUBooty - TMG Lead
2. @Nous - Education Lead
3. @Jessi - Design Lead
4. @ZeroInFo56 - Administration Lead
5. @Naxsun - Backup Lead
6. @JohnPackel - Advisor to the TMG
7. Keep Team - tbd
*8. NuCypher Team - @Carusosa
Guild pod lead roles will be appointed by the MGC. As we work out the structure and the marketing guild continues to grow, these positions will be held by members of the MGC. It is possible that these roles could change, be repurposed, or be replaced by new roles - The current number of roles does not necessarily reflect the number of roles that will be required in the future.
Committee Member Compensation
The contributing members will each receive $20,000 over six months, which equates to approximately $3,333 per month in compensation for each committee member. The compensation will be paid out in T tokens on a monthly basis by the Treasury, calculated against the current value of the token at the time of each payment.
How long will this committee serve?
The initial committee will serve for the 6-month period from March 1st to September 1st. In the event of resignation or termination (as defined by any DAO-wide rules), they will be replaced by an additional member from either the Nucypher or keep team who will serve until a replacement has been determined by nomination from the MGC and passed with a majority vote. The six-month time frame allows for the committee to lay the proper foundation needed for the marketing guild to grow quickly and efficiently, while still being agile enough to pave a successful path for gaining contributors.
How will a new committee be selected?
At the end of the present term, elections will be held allowing new community members to run for a seat on the committee.
How will a committee member be terminated?
This committee will be founded on the understanding that a future Threshold rules committee will be created. The rules set forth by that committee will be used to govern termination. In the event a rules committee is not founded, the MGC will be tasked with defining these rules.
How are decisions made?
A quorum is defined as 75% of committee members and a majority vote is required for decisions. All committee standing rules are superseded by any defined Threshold DAO rules.
Operational Budgets
The committee requests an immediate operational budget of $50,000 until a more detailed budget request can be prepared and submitted for Q2. During Q2 a one year proposed budget will be developed and submitted for the period Q3 2022- Q2 2023.
- Initial funding of $50,000 to be used for discretionary funding (not a mandate to spend any or all)
- The initial funds will be handled by the committee in a multisig wallet
- Budget request for Q2, to be delivered on or before March 21st 2022
- Budget request for full year beginning Q3 2022, to be delivered on or before June 14th 2022
What are our deliverables?
The committee will develop and manage a series of marketing and education campaigns in coordination with the NU and KEEP teams and will be responsible for requesting budget, considering proposals, deploying funds, and providing oversight. Below are a few examples of campaigns that the TMG might launch once the MGC has been established.
Example Campaigns
- Threshold Branding Campaign
- tBTC Launch Campaign
- PRE Education and Dev Outreach Campaign
- Community Growth and Onboarding Campaign
- Staking Education and Growth Campaign
- Nu/Keep to T Conversion Campaign
- thUSD Awareness Campaign
- Monthly spending report.
- Quarterly report presented in a community wide call outlining spending and growth for the last quarter.
Project Risks
Risk: Conflict of Interest
Mitigation: If a committee member is listed as a contributor on a proposal, they will be required to recuse themselves from the approval process for said proposal.
If one third or more committee members are listed as contributors on a proposal, then the proposal will be sent to the Threshold Council to undergo the approval process.
Risk: Failure of the committee to execute
Mitigation: Individual committee members will be able to be removed by the Threshold Council. An election will be held 6 months after inception of the committee to elect the second Marketing Guild Committee. The initial members will be eligible to run and maintain their existing seat on the committee.
Risk: Rules of order are loosely defined and there might be disagreements and loopholes.
Mitigation: We will accept any rules put forward by the to-be-established Threshold rules committee and these will replace our temporary rules for committee operation.
Risk: Collusion
Mitigation: Bi-annual elections (2x per year) and a doctrine of openness will mitigate the risk of long-term collusion.