Today, Threshold is concerned primarily with two cryptological phenomena:
- Signing-Verification (underwritten by threshold ECDSA, an evolution of Keep)
- Encryption-Decryption (underwritten by threshold CBD, an evolution of NuCypher PRE)
We have no formal name for the former, but atop it we hoist what is, for the moment, the most familiar and highly dogfooded Threshold application: TBTC (recently called tbtcv2). Presumably this is the first, and not the only, application that we and others intend to build using threshold signing.
Conversely, we call the latter “Threshold Access Control”, but we have no formal name for anything we’ve yet built with it. However, in our codebases, we still refer to “Threshold Access Control” as nucypher. For example, perhaps the most characteristic line we can think of, regarding access control, is:
from nucypher.characters.lawful import Alice, Bob, Enrico, Ursula
On top of this tech - particularly using the Enrico
and Bob
characters and their new abilities to use either PRE or CBD, several outside users have broken ground on applications, with Masterfile (which began as a hackathon project, the participants of which have been highly receptive to our coaching and suggestions, and highly communicative about their needs) as the most recognizable. Additionally, we have finally begun genuinely dogfood in the form of an application that I intend to use to release my upcoming record, “Vowel Sounds” (I have begun informally calling this application “Revealer”).
So, this gives us a 2x2 grid - The Four Things referenced in the title of this post - which need names:
║······· TBTC, etc. ·········· ║ · Revealer, etc.··║
║···threshold ECDSA·····║·····nucypher·······║
These are big branding questions and perhaps represent the next stage of evolution for Threshold, so let’s start small.
What do we want the above line to look like? I imagine we all agree that we want the word after from
to match our website, documentation, etc. So, do we change those things to use the word “nucypher” (all lower case) to mean what we have sometimes called “threshold access control”?
Or do we change the line to look more like:
from threshold.characters.cbd.lawful import Alice, Bob...
Who has thoughts?