Threshold DAO Delegates

Discord Name: john_packel#7451

Delegate ETH Address: 0x72063b0b19999F6f267BE9e66d95496385fc03E9

Why I want to be a Threshold delegate:

I am confident my experience with Threshold and beyond can be beneficial to people who may not have as much time to devote to following the myriad opportunities and questions facing this project now and in our exciting future.

I identify with Jake’s statement above regarding committing blood, sweat and tears to Threshold. As you see listed below, I’ve been involved with Keep for nearly 6 years and Threshold since inception. I significantly increased my activities starting in October 2022, and since mid-November I’ve spent 30-40 hours a week between roles on the Marketing and Treasury Guild committees, as well as on other DAO-wide activities (I’m currently compensated as a guild member and for up to 22 additional hours/week spent on a temporary role leading multiple Marketing Guild workstreams).

I commit to voting on every issue, as well as posting my reasoning on this forum, so anyone considering delegating can determine how well my views reflect theirs. I also welcome dialog here, in Discord and on twitter (including direct message).

I confirm that:

I’m willing and able to participate in governance of the upcoming DAO. I understand this is an ongoing role that requires active participation: Agree

I understand that delegates are unpaid volunteers. Being a delegate does not qualify me for any payment in tokens: Agree

Threshold DAO and / or other web3 qualifications:

  • Advisor to Keep Project since 2017
  • Active and significant staker in tBTC v1 from inception
  • Contributed to initial guild structure & helped found Threshold’s Marketing Guild in early 2022
  • Served on inaugural Guild committee (waived compensation); in September 2022 re-elected to 12-month role
  • Joined the Treasury Guild in November 2022 and have attended every meeting of Integrations Guild since then, as well
  • Engage constructively in daily Discord discussions, as well as Forum proposals and Snapshot votes
  • Authored this proposal for a Communications role (highlights some of my career background), this Marketing Guild budget request and this update to Council election process
  • Involved with crypto since 2013; worked at ConsenSys for several years and maintain a strong network in Web3

My Twitter profile/posts:

(While I’m a fan of Ancient Greek writers and thinkers, I don’t claim to be the “crypto Socrates”; that was a handle I originally set for asking questions, but switched to it as my main account when I got locked out of my original.)

LinkedIn (not yet updated to reflect my current focus on Threshold instead of my former company):