Council Elections Retrospective and Lessons Learned for the Third Epoch

Dear Threshodlers,

As we approach the conclusion of the current Threshold Council term, it’s an opportune moment for reflection. A year ago, we began preparing for the second round of Council elections, a process that brought forth numerous uncertainties and challenges, most of them related with the low participation and availability of our contributors (expected) this time of the year.

This process began with the initiation of council nominations and discussions, which you can revisit here:

During these discussions, we recognized the need for adjustments and decided to modify our elections schedule, a decision documented in TIP-044:

Throughout this process, we were uncertain how to proceed with questions related to knowledge transfer, the complexities of conducting elections during vacation periods, and the desire for a seamless transition supported by high participation in governance.

Drawing from the lessons learned and the expertise gained over the past year, today we find ourselves better equipped for the upcoming Council elections.

After extensive deliberations with our key contributors, seeking feedback from the Council, and with general agreement from everyone, I am pleased to inform you that the three Council members whose terms conclude in December have agreed to extend their tenure until March, aligning with the terms of the rest of the candidates.

Here are the key benefits of this extension:

  1. Eliminating the Need for Staggered Elections for the Council: By leveraging the support and documentation provided by our frequent contributors, we are confident that knowledge transfer will occur seamlessly, eliminating the necessity for staggered elections.
  2. Optimal Timing for Participation: Postponing the elections to March ensures a more conducive period for active participation, avoiding clashes with New Year’s celebrations. This adjustment allows our full body of contributors to engage actively in governance discussions throughout February and March.

We appreciate the thoughtful contributions and engagement of our contributors throughout this process. Please let us know if you have additional considerations or concerns that we need to take into account for the upcoming Council elections.


Thanks for articulating this, Luna. I agree it’s beneficial to consolidate the effort and have just one election - but important to give anyone who disagrees or has questions the opportunity to do so.


This proposal has the code tag: TC-003