DAO Contractooors

This is the start of a thread for DAO contractors to document their hours worked and for DAO members to audit and approve these hours.

Current Contractors:
Director of Research - @unicorndroppingz
Project Manager - @Luna5

I propose that contractors report according the proposals nominating their services in the following format:

Name (or pseudonym):
Rate: _____ [ T / USD / ETH ] per [ hr / day / week ]

Start Period End Period Hours Conversion Rate (if applicable) Period Total Due
Date 1 Date 2 X1 1T = $Y
Date 2 Date 3 X2 1T = $Y

Name (or pseudonym): Tiger King
Role: Zookeeper
Rate: 300 USD per hr

Start Period End Period Hours Conversion Rate (if applicable) Period Total Due
Date 1 Date 2 10 1T = $0.1 10x$300 = $3,000 or 30,000T
Date 2 Date 3 10 1T = $0.05 10x$300 = $3,000 or 60,000T

Name (or pseudonym): UnicornDroppingz
Role: Director of Research
Rate: 300 USD per hr paid in T

Start Period Hours Conversion Rate Period Total
6-13-2022 7 1T = ~$0.03362204 7 x 300 = 2,100 or 62,459 T
6-20-2022 1 1T = ~$0.03362204 1 x 300 = 300 or 8,922 T
6-27-2022 5 1T = ~$0.03362204 5 x 300 = 1500 or 44,613 T

Approved. @Eastban can you serve as a second confirmation?

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Seems fine. Let’s move this to a Request in Utopia.

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Name (or pseudonym): Luna5
Role: Project Manager
Rate: $500 USD per day paid in T, USDC and/or ETH. (6h work day → $83.34 USD per hr).

Start Period Hours Rate (USD) Total (USD)
29/07/2022 7.24 83,34 603.08
28/07/2022 7.39 83,34 615.64
27/07/2022 6.35 83,34 529.09
26/07/2022 8.43 83,34 702.64
25/07/2022 6.53 83,34 543.74
22/07/2022 3.74 83,34 311.44
21/07/2022 5.29 83,34 441.32
20/07/2022 6.50 83,34 541.31
19/07/2022 4.26 83,34 354.50
18/07/2022 0.74 83,34 61.81
16/07/2022 0.44 83,34 36.60
15/07/2022 2.69 83,34 224.00
14/07/2022 1.52 83,34 126.40
13/07/2022 0.46 83,34 38.04
12/07/2022 2.56 83,34 213.72
11/07/2022 0.23 83,34 18.94
08/07/2022 1.43 83,34 119.18
07/07/2022 2.42 83,34 201.41
06/07/2022 0.87 83,34 72.18
05/07/2022 2.35 83,34 195.80
01/07/2022 0.48 83,34 40.05
30/06/2022 2.05 83,34 170.85
29/06/2022 0.74 83,34 61.79
28/06/2022 2.81 83,34 234.28
27/06/2022 1.59 83,34 132.84
26/06/2022 0.53 83,34 43.66
24/06/2022 1.50 83,34 125.01
21/06/2022 1.55 83,34 129.41
20/06/2022 0.39 83,34 32.60
17/06/2022 2.36 83,34 196.61
16/06/2022 1.72 83,34 143.46
15/06/2022 1.14 83,34 95.10
Total: 88.30 hr $7356.50

All expenses and taxes included in the total price.

Address for payments: luna5.eth

Requesting auditing to @jakelynch @Eastban @ben .


Name (or pseudonym): UnicornDroppingz
Role: Director of Research
Rate: 300 USD per hr paid in T

Start Period Hours Conversion Rate Period Total
7-4-2022 3 1T = ~$0.036 3 x 300 = 900 or 25,000 T
7-11-2022 0 1T = ~$0.036 0 x 300 = 0 or 0 T
7-18-2022 2 1T = ~$0.036 2 x 300 = 600 or 16,666 T
7-25-2022 1 1T = ~$0.036 1 x 300 = 300 or 8,333 T

Total for July: 49,999 T
Requesting audit from @jakelynch @Eastban


Hi @Luna5! My understanding from your original proposal was that you would be billing a flat per day rate and acting as a full-time employee of the DAO.

Will you be continuing to bill on a per-hour basis? This doesn’t seem like an efficient use of your time if you are working full time hours. Many of the things you are doing are going to be intermittent, and we plan to keep you on your toes. Having to track 15 minutes here, 5 minutes there, and 2 hours over here seems extremely tedious and time consuming. I would much rather see a log of what you are working on so that it’s easy to align with exactly what you are doing. Can you please clarify whether this is a one-time invoice per hour due to the part-time nature during your transition or will you continue to bill like this?

P.S. I love waking up to the automated emails from Notion, that you are busy working while I’m sleeping.

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Hello @MrsNuBooty!
Thank you for this consideration, firstly I apologize for the discrepancy between my proposal (billing a flat price per day) and the first bill (that presents an hourly rate). I decided reporting hours for this transition period, because my availability was very variable and quite reduced for several weeks, it didn’t feel right to bill the DAO for half-time only having devoted 1-2h a day in the beginning.

I continued with the same hourly billing for coherence during the month of July (only 2 weeks full time). Going forward, I will submit my bills as was described in my original proposal, as a flat rate per day. This will help avoid any problem with going over budget when there are peaks of work.

For the sake of transparency and accountability, I keep a report on my weekly activities and tasks in Notion. And I am open to keep tracking hours as some other DAO contractors do, where they have time allocations and fees similar to mine. However, since my job is of a different nature, with the need of intermittent availability throughout the day, my intention is to shift to the proposed daily rate from this month on.


Looks good to me - thanks Unicorn.

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hey @Luna5 and @unicorndroppingz , how about you add your ETH address when putting up the bills ? For those that process this would be a fast way to double check for errors. Thanks


That’s a good point. I’ll update future posts with that. Here is the wallet address I’m using: 0x59401759d2bed15C94256F4F9ca0b4Bad698040a


Name: Vict0r
Role: Threshold Support Moderator
Rate: $6,500/month
Funded by Integrations Guild

Start Period End Period Total (USD)
07/24/2022 07-31-2022 $1,625



Name (or pseudonym): Luna5
Role: Project Manager
Rate: $500 USD per day paid in T, USDC and/or ETH.

Start Period Rate (USD)
31/08/2022 500
30/08/2022 500
29/08/2022 500
26/08/2022 500
25/08/2022 500
24/08/2022 500
23/08/2022 500
22/08/2022 500
19/08/2022 500
18/08/2022 500
17/08/2022 500
16/08/2022 500
15/08/2022 500
11/08/2022 500
10/08/2022 500
09/08/2022 500
08/08/2022 500
05/08/2022 500
04/08/2022 500
03/08/2022 500
02/08/2022 500
01/08/2022 500
Total number of days: 22
Grand Total: $11000

All expenses and taxes included in the total price.

Address for payments: luna5.eth

Requesting auditing to @jakelynch @Eastban @ben .


Name: Vict0r
Role: Threshold Support Moderator
Rate: $6,500/month
Funded by Integrations Guild

Start Period End Period Total (USD)
08/01/2022 08-31-2022 $6,500


Respectfully requesting review from @Eastban @Naxsun @ZeroInFo56 @the_egg


Name: UnicornDroppingz
Role: Director of Research
Rate: 300 USD per hr paid in T

Start Period End Period Hours Conversion Rate Period Total
8-1-2022 9-30-2022 5 1T = ~$0.03 5 x 300 = 1500 or 50,000 T

Total for August & September: 50,000 T
Wallet: 0x59401759d2bed15C94256F4F9ca0b4Bad698040a
Requesting audit from @jakelynch @Eastban


Name: Vict0r
Role: Threshold Support Moderator
Rate: $6,500/month
Funded by Integrations Guild

Start Period End Period Total (USD)
09/01/2022 09-30-2022 $6,500


Respectfully requesting review from @ZeroInFo56 @the_egg @Naxsun @Eastban


Name (or pseudonym): Luna5
Role: Project Manager
Rate: $500 USD per day paid in T, USDC and/or ETH.

Start Period Rate (USD)
30/09/2022 500
29/09/2022 500
28/09/2022 500
27/09/2022 500
26/09/2022 500
23/09/2022 500
22/09/2022 500
21/09/2022 500
20/09/2022 500
19/09/2022 500
15/09/2022 500
14/09/2022 500
13/09/2022 500
12/09/2022 500
09/09/2022 500
08/09/2022 500
07/09/2022 500
06/09/2022 500
02/09/2022 500
01/09/2022 500
Total number of days: 20
Grand Total: $10000

All expenses and taxes included in the total price.

Address for payments: luna5.eth

Requesting auditing to @jakelynch @Eastban @ben .


I approve the September requests from:
@Luna5 @Vict0r and @unicorndroppingz

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Name: Vict0r
Role: Threshold Support Moderator
Rate: $6,500/month
Funded by Integrations Guild

Start Period End Period Total (USD)
10/1/2022 10-31-2022 $6,500


Respectfully requesting review from @jakelynch @the_egg @Eastban @Naxsun


Name (or pseudonym): Luna5
Role: Project Manager
Rate: $500 USD per day paid in T, USDC and/or ETH.

Start Period Rate (USD)
31/10/2022 500
28/10/2022 500
27/10/2022 500
26/10/2022 500
25/10/2022 500
24/10/2022 500
21/10/2022 500
20/10/2022 500
19/10/2022 500
18/10/2022 500
17/10/2022 500
14/10/2022 500
13/10/2022 500
11/10/2022 500
10/10/2022 500
07/10/2022 500
06/10/2022 500
05/10/2022 500
04/10/2022 500
03/10/2022 500
Total number of days: 20
Grand Total: $10000

All expenses and taxes included in the total price.

Address for payments: luna5.eth

Kindly requesting auditing to @jakelynch @Eastban @ben .