TIP-083: Contractor Role for Threshold Intern

Vote Type

Token holder DAO Snapshot with a 7-day vote period.

DAO-elected Sponsors

@eh_ethan @Eastban


  • 5 days for comment / discussion on this proposal

  • Token holder DAO Snapshot with a 7-day vote period

  • @badc23 to take up responsibilities 4 weeks proceeding approval, to allow for a smooth transition.


This proposal aims to engage @badc_23 as the Intern for Threshold Network. Given the expanding scope of Threshold’s projects, additional support is crucial for maintaining Threshold’s efficiency and achieving the DAO’s objectives. @Badc_23 offers services at a reduced rate of $55 per hour for a minimum of 20 hours per week, up to 30 hours a week.


The intern position is designed to provide additional bandwidth to key DAO members, ensuring timely completion of tasks and enhancing overall productivity. There are a significant number of tasks in which the DAO needs support with, but these task do not warrant costing the DAO $85 or $100 an hour, for this reason, some of these tasks fall between the cracks.


  • Enhanced Support: Key players within the DAO will benefit from additional support, allowing them to focus on strategic initiatives while operational and research tasks are contributed to effectively by the intern.

  • Improved Efficiency: The addition of an intern is intended to streamline processes, ensuring milestones are met and deliverables are completed on schedule.

  • Cost-Effective Solution: At a rate of $55 per hour, this proposal offers the DAO an opportunity to expand its workforce without the financial commitment of the standard rate.

  • Contributor Development: Engaging an intern will provide the DAO with an opportunity to train a dedicated contributor, fostering their growth and enhancing their capabilities for future key roles within the organization.


The responsibilities will be broken down into two main fronts: Marketing Support and Integration Support.

Marketing Support:

  • Content Creation & Social Media Engagement:

  • Coordinating with past and upcoming integrations to create DeFi threads, showing users how to use tBTC in various yield opportunities and boost Threshold’s X reach through collaboration with other DAOs.

  • Creating weekly updates on the best places to get yield on tBTC & thUSD.

  • Coordinating with The Engine media to create more podcasts.

  • Assisting the MG on creating tBTC and thUSD campaigns.

  • Work with protocols to arrange co-marketing (DeFi threads, AMAs/ Spaces, Blog posts and guests in Threshold community calls).

  • Research into tBTC competitors (mBTC, zBTC, SolvBTC).

Integration Support:

  • Integration Research: Supporting the Threshold Growth Coordinator by conducting groundwork on which chain to take tBTC to next, this includes collection of key metrics from chains, creating an ecosystem map for Grants, Oracles, DEX’s, Lending Protocols, dPerps etc.

  • tBTC and thUSD yield management: Create an Index of where tBTC and thUSD is active and users can get yield on.

  • Listings Management: Updating tBTC and thUSD listings across various platforms.

  • Miscellaneous Tasks: Addressing various tasks as needed to support the DAO’s operations that key members do not have the bandwidth to handle and which should not incur high hourly billing rates.

Oversight & Review

The Intern role will operate under the oversight of the Threshold Marketing Guild (TMG) and the Threshold Growth Coordinator (TGC). The position and performance will be reviewed on a quarterly basis by the TMG and TGC, upon delivery of a self-evaluation to the committee and TGC.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

The intern’s performance will be assessed through a quarterly self-reported summary of achievements compared to stated aims in this proposal. Key performance indicators include:

  • Strategic Contributions: Effective input and support in research, project management, and strategic initiatives.

  • Quality Relationship Building: Establishing and nurturing valuable relationships with key partners and stakeholders.

  • Proactive Engagement: Active participation in significant integration projects of Threshold products across various platforms.

  • Quantitative Achievements: Contributing to the minting of significant amounts of tBTC and thUSD because of the additional bandwidth provided to the DAO.

Transfer of Responsibility

4 week period to allow for a smoother transition for Diddy and the guilds.


We recommend that Threshold DAO contract with DiddyK for a 6-month renewable period working 20 - 30 hours/week at a rate of $55 USD per hour.

Why Diddy

Diddy has proven to be a useful asset within the Threshold community, particularly through his work with thUSD. His contributions are marked by a good attention to detail and here’s why Diddy stands out:

  1. Professional Expertise: As an engineer working on one of the largest infrastructure projects in the UK, Diddy brings a wealth of experience in project management, strategic planning, and problem-solving. These skills are directly transferable to the needs of the Threshold DAO, ensuring a structured and efficient approach to tackling challenges.

  2. Proven Dedication: Diddy has demonstrated a strong commitment to the Threshold community through his voluntary research work. His detailed analyses have and will continue to contribute to the development and strategic direction of thUSD.

  3. Multifaceted Skill Set: Diddy excels in both technical and strategic domains. His ability to conduct thorough research, coupled with his professional skills in managing complex projects, positions him uniquely to handle diverse tasks within the DAO, from integrations support to marketing initiatives. This kind of support is ideal for an intern role where tasks are likely to be varied.

  4. Fresh Perspective: Being relatively new to the Threshold community, Diddy brings a fresh perspective that can drive innovation and new ideas. His rapid learning curve and increasing confidence in contributions demonstrate his potential to bring significant value to the DAO.


LUSD research project: https://discord.com/channels/866378471868727316/1209235156552908862/1209587061716295720

CrvUSD research project: https://discord.com/channels/866378471868727316/1209235156552908862/1212795150527504484


Thanks for your proposal, Diddy. I appreciate your contributions and willingness to increase your involvement. It’s been exciting seeing you and a few others join committee calls, get elected to the thUSD oversight committee, etc.

As I shared in at least one of the Integrations Guild meetings when this concept was discussed, I am in favor of this idea but don’t think that a new role with 20-30 hours/week is the way to do it.

While I’ve seen the need for perhaps 10 hours/week on a consistent basis, I haven’t seen a list of tasks that are high priority and amount to 20-30 hours/week. While I understand that regular contributors often need consistent hours/income rather than just ad hoc projects, I don’t think we want to be finding tasks to fill a role, as some would then be likely not to be of the highest priority.

We also want to make sure that we don’t assign any tasks that guild committee members have bandwidth for and thus should be taking on.

I also think that the Integrations Guild Committee is better suited to overseeing the role generally (of course with each guild determining what needs the intern can help with and giving feedback on the work).

Looking forward to other feedback leading toward consensus on how best to address the need.

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Thank you for your response John,

You raise some good points.

Yes you would be right about the preference for consistent hours. This proposal was made in the knowledge that many DAO members are stretched, as you probably experience yourself. It would be ideal to fill those gaps that are being missed, that’s where this role would find the most benefit. My feeling would be that a role like this could really help with the general scalability within the DAO, that’s what the best hiring decisions usually do.

In terms of hours, I’m open to for negotiation, but I felt that the tasks mentioned maybe would require 20hrs. However, if that’s something that is something not satisfactory for the DAO, 15hrs per week is the lowest I could realistically go. Is that something more achievable?

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