GP-037 thUSD Founding Steering Committee Nominations

The elections Snapshot has closed with the following results:


  • Ethan: 85M T - 19.05% - Elected
  • Citizen: 4281M T - 18.17% - Elected
  • Badc_2380: M T - 17.91% - Elected
  • Julian: 80M T - 17.91% - Elected
  • Leonardo Satunino: 61M T - 13.78% - Elected
  • Wuji: 39M T - 8.67% - Not Elected
  • Evandro Saturino: 20M T - 4.52% - Not Elected
  • Shell: 0 T - 0% - Not Elected

Congratulations @eh_ethan, @mcitizen42, @badc_23, @JULIAN, @Leonardo_Saturnino!!! You have been voted by the community as the first members of the thUSD steering committee.

As a reminder, since we need to establish a staggered elections cycle, your terms are:

  • @eh_ethan will serve August 1st, 2024 - August 31st, 2025.
  • @mcitizen42 will serve August 1st, 2024 - August 31st, 2025.
  • @badc_23 will serve August 1st, 2024 - February 28th, 2025.
  • @JULIAN will serve August 1st, 2024 - February 28th, 2025.
  • @Leonardo_Saturnino will serve August 1st, 2024 - February 28th, 2025.

Please be mindful of the guidelines for the operation of this steering committee, described in TIP-081, and welcome to our DAO :slight_smile:

thUSD Steering Committee Addresses: