Following the elections held September 2022, a new list of Snapshot authors have been compiled. According to DAO rules reflected in TIP-034, the following Threshold DAO contributors will be Snapshot authors for the remainder of this term:
- Treasury Guild Committee Members
- Integrations Guild Committee Members
- Marketing Guild Committee Members
- Threshold Council Members
- Any DAO member allowed by the Council
Snapshot Authors Signing Addresses:
- 0x24dbb0BEE134C3773D2C1791d65d99e307Fe86CF - Dnunez
- 0xf6f372DfAeCC1431186598c304e91B79Ce115766 - Ben Longstaff
- 0x13F026559e3Cb36008178e7e358401d6Ed4d6743 - Naxun
- 0x1549707126B04199bC65A7a1f94a149fa9915771 - Derek Pierre
- 0x956a3999F4b9F9E4E46B96418121D4871082552A - ZeroInfo
- 0x739730cCb2a34cc83D3e30645002C52bA4B06167 - MrsNuBooty
7. 0xbA9e2A5ae66a28CDfafdfF269d05ed46673DB8Db - Nous - 0xa18c47B41Be1e96BcF9ea8fac9Daba01dF4056d7 - Caruso
- 0x8FBCa7800D1B820176b0696A22bce5E50C5c9A71 - John_Packel
- 0x640cC25c296b1Cc636b1f711F1c9652eC11C4630 - Nico
- 0x4f5ECe1EcE292954A1eBaDd6Dd1f93cA9F548Cb6 - LastThings
- 0x55b2730fb82Ae22E2dE6B5e7be95dD06359547dF - Hagan
13. 0x7CB5ee216032C527732bce22b409aC764207eF28 - the egg - 0x1Ba899530A89fAb245De9ff6cc23534F4a8A4e58 - Vict0r
15. 0x2844a0d6442034D3027A05635F4224d966C54fD7 - East - 0x45fEb606e27Fab677785e15762fAf0E3AC1C02eD - LakeLaogai
Additionally, Snapshot admin privileges have been added for the chairperson of each guild, the Threshold Council members, and persons designated by the Threshold Council.