GP-034 Threshold Treasury Guild Nominations Election - Epoch 5, 2024

Hello Threshold community!

Following the procedure stated in GP-11 / TIP-031 2 regulating the Guild Committee Elections and Nominations, we open the nominations for the elections of the Treasury Guild Committee Members.

In this 5th epoch we vote 5 seats. These 5 seats correspond to the members that were elected in February 2023 elections , i.e., Lake, Vict0r, John Packel, sap and Will. For a complete review of the elections timelines, number of seats and community members elected, see this Notion space.

The IG seats are currently held by community members:

We encourage everyone to participate and provide their nominations, any DAO member can be nominated for an upcoming guild committee seat, including self-nominations. Bear in mind that a person who is nominated by another member must confirm their intent to be a candidate.

Focus of our Treasury Guild

The Threshold Treasury Guild is responsible for effectively managing the Threshold DAO treasury. This includes growing Protocol Owned Liquidity (POL), researching / implementing best practice treasury management strategies, executing ecosystem liquidity incentives, diversifying the treasury, etc.

Timeline for the Elections

  1. January 18th - February 11th - Nomination period, where you can nominate yourself or nominate another member of the community by replying to this forum post.
  2. February 12th, 3pm ET - Community Call to meet our nominees. We have traditionally held a call to meet our nominees and allow them to introduce themselves to the community and explain why they are running for our guilds. This time, we will make use of this allotted time in the case we have new candidates participating.
  3. February 12th - February 18th - Snapshot vote.
  4. February 19th - February 29th - Transition period.
  5. March 1st, 2024 - The new term starts for the elected members, which will serve 1-year term: March 1st 2024 - February 28th 2025.

What do I need to become a Threshold Network Guild Committee Member?

Becoming a committee member would be easy and smooth, the elections of the guilds are staggered, thus you will have a good onboarding experience led by your peers. To be part of our guilds, we request our members to own a hardware wallet. While prior knowledge and experience with multisigs on mainnet, L2’s, and Solana/Base networks are beneficial, they are not mandatory.

If you have any questions join us on Discord and ask away!


I’d like to express my support and encouragement for the re-election of @JohnPackel, @LakeLaogai, @sap, and @Will. Additionally, I would like to nominate @wuji to run for the Treasury Guild. In line with this, I am putting forward my own candidacy for re-election.

In the past year, my main responsibilities within the Treasury Guild have included overseeing payroll for the DAO and creating an internal financial reporting format and template. While the development of the report proved to be time-consuming, the task was ultimately a rewarding experience. I would like to acknowledge sap’s valuable contribution to the first iteration and Wuji’s efforts in preparing the source data reconciliation for the second iteration.

I am eager to continue my service on the Treasury Guild as there is still much work to be done. My commitment will be focused on generating robust workpapers that offer accurate and easily reviewable documentation, such as payroll and beta-staker disbursements support, delivering accurate and timely financial reports to the DAO, as well as complete other treasury guild specific tasks.

I look forward to the opportunity to contribute further to the Treasury Guild!


Thank you Victor, I accept the nomination.

I would like to continue my current work of managing the liquidity incentive program on behalf of Threshold DAO. I thoroughly enjoy working with such an excellent team of contributors, and hope to continue the momentum we have built into the year ahead.

I would also like to second @wuji’s nomination, as I think they would make a valuable contributor to the guild. They have demonstrated their competency and deep knowledge of Threshold’s activities through their collaboration with Victor on the DAO reporting last year. I expect this work will continue to grow in scope and importance.


Thanks to both @sap and @Vict0r, I would like to accept my nomination to the Treasury Guild.

I have been working in the blockchain industry since 2017 and was a participant in the NuCypher Worklock in 2020. I am a crypto financial reporting specialist with experience reconciling data for many different entities. I am currently engaged as a contractor to the DAO, providing reconciliation services and working closely with @Vict0r on preparation and optimisation of financial reporting.

I am excited by the opportunity to join the Treasury Guild, and if elected, would like to continue to focus on improving the financial reporting format for the DAO, enabling increased transparency for all participants and empowering treasury management decisions.

Specifically, I believe that enhanced analysis of the DAO’s various revenue streams will be increasingly important and I look forward to utilising my skillset to provide value in this area.


Thanks Vict0r.

I also accept the nomination.


Thank you, @Vict0r. I am interested in continuing my work on the TTG, including managing the weekly meeting, queuing/shepherding transactions and votes, as well as adding to the work I led last year in setting up Threshold Foundation.

I also endorse all the candidates mentioned above.

2024 will be a breakthrough year for Threshold, and the TTG collaborates very effectively to manage a number of critical workstreams - so looking forward to seeing the DAO’s choices for committee members.


I appreciate the support from my colleagues and nomination from @Vict0r

I will kindly decline the nomination. My personal career has shifted and my bandwidth is more limited today than it was when I began this position.

I have learned a lot from this experience and am thankful to the DAO for the opportunity. I intend to make myself available whenever and wherever needed to ensure an easy transition and support the DAO going forward.


I would like to nominate myself for the Threshold Treasury Guild.

Contributing to the Threshold DAO has been a great experience for me. I have held past positions on the Council, and the Marketing Guild, as well as contributing to several TBTC campaigns.I have also had the pleasure or representing the DAO as a delegate at 4 global conferences last year, and look forward to continuing in this role, attending the major global events of 2024.

If elected I plan to work closely with the Guild to expand the Threshold Network Ecosystem, and further advance the impact of our DAO.

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The Snapshot vote for the TTG Elections closed February 22nd, 2024 with the following results:

  • Vict0r: 194M T - 27.24% Elected
  • SAP: 156M T - 21.86% Elected
  • John Packel: 155M T - 21.86% Elected
  • wuji: 88M T - 12.35% Elected
  • Will: 78M T - 10.94% Elected
  • nico186: 41M T 5.76%

Thank you all candidates for your participation! And congratulations to @Vict0r, @sap, @JohnPackel, @wuji and @Will !! Welcome to the Threshold Treasury Guild. All elected members will be able to serve a 1-year term spanning March 1st, 2024 - February 28th, 2023.
We please request our elected committee members to drop by the TG addresses forum post to drop their signing and payment addresses (please remember to add ETH and Solana addresses).

Resulting Committee Members and Addresses:
@Vict0r -

  • multisig 0x1Ba899530A89fAb245De9ff6cc23534F4a8A4e58
  • payments 0x5E00CCF2c9eD05f6999C83B5d03fbF0e9e439627

@sap -

  • Signing address: 0xd818B9f7Cb4090047D26C51e63C9CB1b5E12886a
  • Payments (updated): 0x9469be87965b2B4f50a000E35928634460017Aea

@JohnPackel -
@wuji -

  • Signing (MS): 0xA6d76e990fE10C4b741ceb87590bE6cb23979a6e
  • Payments: 0x0f9E13E4c257f15a0dA8895ba727DEE599a4522D
  • New Solana signing address: 7dwZWccgRZVAJSZjCYA6CH46bnBoq8VBC63f76ZgwYtq

@Will -

This information is also compiled in our Notion proposals database.

Thank you, Luna.

Signing address: 0xd818B9f7Cb4090047D26C51e63C9CB1b5E12886a
Payments (updated): 0x9469be87965b2B4f50a000E35928634460017Aea

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New Solana signing address: 7dwZWccgRZVAJSZjCYA6CH46bnBoq8VBC63f76ZgwYtq

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Hey @Luna5 I’ve switched hardware and have a new Solana signing address.
I’ve removed my previous post. Could you please update your address list above?


My ETH signing & payment address remains the same as previously: 0x8fbca7800d1b820176b0696a22bce5e50c5c9a71

Solana = CtAuUd6m1nMtE7VGotcnoiyNt46hMxLFJPHGtnod2h38


Resulting Committee Members and Addresses:
@Vict0r - 6vChTQTCLVPyw3yBAJALoqdK3igcLywVXj4FZvE46SBR

  • multisig 0x1Ba899530A89fAb245De9ff6cc23534F4a8A4e58
  • payments 0x5E00CCF2c9eD05f6999C83B5d03fbF0e9e439627
  • Solana:

@sap -

  • Signing address: 0xd818B9f7Cb4090047D26C51e63C9CB1b5E12886a
  • Payments (updated): 0x9469be87965b2B4f50a000E35928634460017Aea
  • Solana: EBqw6ikpZunVjeKPTg13cGzTpqAE9V5DTuGL9As9dcVb

@JohnPackel -

  • Signing and payment address: 0x8fbca7800d1b820176b0696a22bce5e50c5c9a71
  • Solana: CtAuUd6m1nMtE7VGotcnoiyNt46hMxLFJPHGtnod2h38

@wuji -

  • Signing (MS): 0xA6d76e990fE10C4b741ceb87590bE6cb23979a6e
  • Payments: 0x0f9E13E4c257f15a0dA8895ba727DEE599a4522D
  • New Solana signing address: 7dwZWccgRZVAJSZjCYA6CH46bnBoq8VBC63f76ZgwYtq

@Will -

  • Signing:
  • Payment:
  • Solana:

Thanks @Luna5! My Solana signer address is: EBqw6ikpZunVjeKPTg13cGzTpqAE9V5DTuGL9As9dcVb

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Thank you @Luna5! My Solana signer address is: 6vChTQTCLVPyw3yBAJALoqdK3igcLywVXj4FZvE46SBR

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