Threshold tBTC Guardians

I am happy to volunteer to be a Threshold Guardian.

Eth: will generate a fresh address if I am selected.
Tg: @zeroinfo56

Throughout my tenure as a NuCypher community member and later as a member of the Threshold DAO, I have worked as a community moderator, and have striven to safeguard our community from bad actors. As a node operator and believer in the tbtc mission, I would be glad to serve the DAO as a guardian.

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hello im happy as a community member, i well to be threshold guardians

  • Ethereum Address : 0x57e9983c72617F3A1d5B9F491d244a35034fC1db
  • Telegram handle : @zacksm

Telegram: jnowakowski
Ethereum: 0x1f6AFdEc24247bcB1cAaCD0c7ECcb7509DDa0216

I want to volunteer too!

Telegram: @smirkycat1
Ethereum: 0x606c9936A8B5C70061b3464424ab7d45302eF9b7

I want to participate as a guardian.

My TG is @daveydoo
Threshold experience: Currently running a PRE and a tbtcv2 node.
ETH: 0x0C19A07242755b3F107cfB4C74d236a18548541F

I would like to be a Threshold Guardian,

ETH: 0x421A8400049f6d832c9234Ed5fdEedD195a4DAb5
TG: @benlongstaff
Threshold Experience: Threshold Council member, Threshold Treasury Guild member, contributor to Threshold USD.

[EDITED] Please this wallet instead: 0x458BE8Fca3E2Fb70D949DdC8b8608550fca4225B

Update (I don’t have permission to edit my above post): Here is the dedicated ethereum address I am using to run a guardian 0x631Db49271B9a8Dc19b31EfB65fc549eC76B2e8C.

Would love to be a guardian.

TG : Telegram: Contact @w0000CE0
ETH: 0x0000ce08fa224696a819877070bf378e8b131acf