Threshold tBTC Guardians

Intro: :wave:

Would you like to play a more crucial role in the Threshold DAO?

With the launch of tBTC v2 upcoming, it will roll out with a technical implementation known as Optimistic Minting. Refer to this blog post for a full review of Optimistic Minting.

The Optimistic Minting protocol introduces two new roles to tBTC: Minters and Guardians.

Here you will find more information about Threshold tBTC Guardians and how you can apply to become one.

First, What Are Guardians?: :shield:

Guardians play a key role and act as the “last line of defense” of the Optimistic Minting protocol. Their primary role is to act as a fail safe against any malicious activity during the minting period.

During the Optimistic minting period there is a 3 hour period where deposits wait to be double checked and verified by the Guardians. After the 3 hour period, all deposits are swept and then minted into tBTC.

Guardians will be whitelisted on the optimistic minting contract.

The Threshold Council will have final approval who is accepted as a Guardian and will also be tasked with removing Guardians if necessary.

Why Become a Guardian?: :handshake:

  • Play a key role in the only decentralized BTC-ETH bridge which is needed more than ever in DeFi right now
  • Take on an important role in the Threshold tBTC network and launch

Requirements: :white_check_mark:

There are certain requirements in order to be promoted as a Guardian and they are outlined below:

  • Apply on this Forum thread
  • Have the ability to run a script provided
  • Need to monitor the script
  • Be available in a TG group to communicate with tBTC devs
  • Be prepared to cancel a mint through Etherscan, (will be shown how to do so)
  • Previous contributions to Threshold DAO or previous relationship with developers

We also need people who are comfortable and experienced with canceling a mint through Etherscan.

How to Apply?: :clap:

Applications for Threshold Guardians are done on this thread. To apply reply to this forum post with the following information:

  • Ethereum Address
  • Telegram handle
  • Threshold experience

If accepted you will be added to a Guardian Telegram group.

The Guardian role is one that comes with great responsibility. Only those that are serious will be considered. If you want to learn more about the Guardians, get involved in the Threshold Discord.

This post was co-authored by Eugene.


Hi team,

Applying for the role of tbtc guardian, I want to give back to the amazing community.
I’m very experienced using tbtc v1, I was heavily involved doing the tbtc arbitrage during which I got to know Doug, Ivan and Matt Luongo… I think they’ll remember why :slight_smile:

I’ve written plenty of Brownie scripts to interact with mainnet and also very familiar with executing transactions on Etherscan. I’m online all the time during work hours and evenings/weekends. Most importantly I’m extremely grateful to the tbtc development team who helped me out immeasurably during my time of need and I want to give back/help Threshold become a huge success. I’m also an ex Darknode operator so get the space pretty well.

My eth address is: 0xeb93B064B0879722E4a4EaC4E95B71f887746D03
My tg is @hellomoon54321


I’d like to continue to contribute to Threshold and the community in a meaningful way. I have been involved since the early NuCypher days and am a known DAO contributor. I run a node for every application and several testnet nodes. I am aware of the responsibility entrusted the Guardians and will carry out the required asks if selected.

edited eth: 0xF208620631f48c17707a9C2d9f7893564BaEBf33
TG: @XTclass


I can help out with this, I’m more or less known and willing to contribute in this way.
Telegram User: @Bwrinkle
Eth Address: 0xCdA5Bf663221005D0e8d973C0680925532a575D0


Thanks for leading this, @Will. Confident we’ll get an excellent group of Guardians - so if you’re reading this and interested, apply now!

Good to see you here, @hellomoon.

I, too, want to help out in the launch of tBTC v2 and appreciate all the work by contributor teams and DAO members that led up to this - plus the accelerated efforts to make optimistic minting possible this month.

I’ve been an advisor to Keep since 2017, was a very active community member and staker in tBTC v1 from day one (also used the product), and I’ve been involved with Threshold since inception (helped form Threshold Marketing Guild, joined the Treasury Guild in November and have attended all Integrations Guild meetings since then, as we coordinate closely (shout out to @Luna5 for helping all of us be more aligned and efficient).

I have a lot less technical background than others applying, but did complete a software engineering bootcamp, run an ETH node, managed to get a KEEP node running in 2020 - and am following @Vict0r’s docs and guidance now to set up a Threshold node. I’m familiar with interacting with contracts via Etherscan (used to do so to claim KEEP rewards). I’m dialed into Threshold work/community almost all waking hours already, so would be able to respond as needed.

ETH address: 0xe4EE11810cF215EcCc80EC5DC0D25d2BDAb326b6

TG: @john_packel


I’ve been part of the community for a while now and becoming more involved lately.
I would like to take part in this historic launch as well.

TG: beemeeupnow
ETH: 0x022ca813996C830031669b14F371Fa44a5f0F45B


As a community member, I’d like to be a guardian!

My personal wallet is mhluongo.eth, though I can get a new address if we need something that’s hot / accessible from a script.

My TG is mhluongo.

EDIT: Mainnet ETH guardian address: 0x00504346fD02Ca21c3793278ed11e2f747B117F6


I volunteer to guard the threshold!

TG: beaushinkle
ETH: rancourt.eth


I would like to be a guardian,
I’ve been a community member since 2017, perfomed several different roles up till now.

I’m currently the ThresholdUSD front-end developer and Keep Network council member.
Last year I acted as Threshold Council member, and community moderator.

TG: saturnino_9
ETH: saturnino.eth


I would like to volunteer to be a Threshold Guardian and will provide an ethical and independent backstop for the optimistic minting launch. I am an active member of the community with a position on the Treasury Guild and Threshold Council. These roles require active monitoring for transaction signing, and synergises well with the role of a Guardian. I have technical experience, so running the script is not a problem.

TG: @sap57624
Eth: 0xd818B9f7Cb4090047D26C51e63C9CB1b5E12886a (my Treasury Guild signing address)

EDIT: my new Guardian address is: 0x6191686707f5dC86751cb53c6c1eED833F1b812d


I would like to help the community by taking on the role of a guardian. I have many years of server hosting experience and have been working with the Threshold community for over a year now including my current role on the IG committee. I am super excited to see where the next few months takes us and would feel honored to have the opportunity to step up to the plate.

TG: TheEgg4631
Eth: 0x7CB5ee216032C527732bce22b409aC764207eF28


Please instead use eth address 0x9dF4a3498D501482EE9C797a6F94F318DF80FbdA
As it’s more secure


I’d be happy to run the guardian script!

Telegram: jnowakowski
Ethereum: I’ll generate a new key based on the script requirements and share the address later.


Happy to participate as a “Guardian of the Galaxy”.

Telegram: @derekpierre
[EDITED] Ethereum Address: 0x0232609E1760564c541D307122d9150132B2Da7F


Happy to run a guardian node, will generate an address specifically for this if confirmed.

EDITED: my guardian address is 0x6B4144C0967eEa2488Fd8e9E8b6100f975dD27c0


Hi team :wave:,

Applying for the role of tbtc guardian. I volunteer to guard the threshold!

  • Ethereum Address::
  • Telegram handle::
  • Threshold experience:
    T Token holder, Run tbtcv2 and PRE nodes , Discord member since May 2022, OAT Threshold collector.


I would like to apply to be a guardian for the optimistic minting.

Ethereum Address: Will be generating one for the purpose if selected
Telegram Handle: @Rejinderi
Threshold Experience:

  • Ran NuCypher incentivized testnet back in 2020
  • Long time community member
  • Ethereum Address: Provided on acceptance
  • Telegram handle: Telegram: Contact @piotrros
  • Threshold experience: NuCypher contributor since April 2020

I volunteer to be a guardian.

Telegram: piotrdyraga
Ethereum address: 0xF3925aDbCc5EfEBF9236A45019a5a51a8b6da2B2

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Howdy - I also volunteer to be a guardian!

Telegram: kprasch
Ethereum: will generate dedicated wallet before launch

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