GP-036: Threshold Marketing Guild Funding Request for Remainder of 2024

Vote Type: Threshold Token Holder DAO GB

Sponsors: Elected committee members of the Threshold Marketing Guild (MG).

Full Budget Request: MG 2024 Budget Request

Brief: This proposal seeks a budget of $306,000 USD for May - December 2024. The funds will support Threshold DAO’s marketing initiatives and cover the specified line items for administrative costs and program execution.

Milestones and Deadlines:

  • Proposal Forum period - this proposal will be on the forum for a minimum of 5 days before moving to Snapshot.
  • Snapshot Voting - 5 days. If the proposal passes Snapshot it will move to GovernorBravo for on-chain governance and execution.
  • GovernorBravo - 10 days.

Budget Management and Request Breakdown:

Funds to be managed by the MG multi-sig wallet, with clear accounting and reporting for each category.


  • Sponsorship and participation in major events including ETHBrussels, ETHOnline, ETHIndia, and others.
  • Content Creation: $35,000 to produce high-quality marketing and educational content.
  • Do Cool ■■■■ MG Contributor Program: $25,000
  • Discretionary Fund: $50,000 reserved for emergent needs and strategic opportunities.


  • Tools & Subscriptions: $20,000* for essential software and services.
  • Gas Fees: $1,000 to cover transaction costs.
  • Other Administrative Costs: $5,000 for miscellaneous administrative expenses.

Total Requested Budget: $306,000 USD for the overall growth and marketing initiatives of the Guild and DAO from May to December 2024.

Expiry/Timing of Budget Spend:

  • There is no set expiry for the use of the budget, allowing for flexibility and strategic allocation.

Transaction Details:

Mitigating Loss of Value:

  • We request that in the event that the amount upon receipt by the MG is >4% below the requested budget, a singular “top-off” transaction be created and executed by the Threshold Council to reconcile the deficit.

*$14,800 of the $20k software/services is Twitter Verified Affiliates Program, which includes $10k of advertising credits.


This proposal has been moved to Snapshot for approval.


This has passed and we will get it queued to Governor Bravo today.

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This is live on Boardroom for onchain participation.

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