TIP-080: Hire Leonardo Saturnino as a Senior Full-Stack Developer


Hire Leonardo Saturnino as a Senior Full-Stack Developer

Vote Type

Token holder DAO Snapshot with a 7-day vote period.

DAO-elected Sponsors

Integrations Guild


Discussion Period: 7 days

Voting Period: 7-day Token holder DAO Snapshot


Request for Threshold DAO to fund a Senior Full-Stack Developer role with a back-end focus, to be filled by Leonardo Saturnino.


With ongoing advancements in the Threshold Network’s projects, there is a need for robust back-end development throughout the DAO applications, including tBTC, thUSD, and TACo, and supporting outstanding features to enhance security, compliance, integration, and reliability across platforms and networks.


  • Full-Stack development using: ECMAScript 6, Typescript, Python, NodeJS, ExpressJS, Solidity, Jest, EthersJS, Hardhat, React, NextJS, and other commonly used Web3 development frameworks.
  • Outline, develop, and maintain scalable and efficient applications.
  • Implementation and maintenance of secure and reliable APIs.
  • Integration of third-party services and development of microservices.

Oversight & Review

The Integrations Guild will collaborate with Leonardo to set specific goals.

Goals will be structured to align with project needs and priorities.

Flexibility will be included to adapt to unforeseen yet crucial tasks.

The Integrations Guild will review position and performance.

Regular performance reviews will be conducted to ensure work standard aligns with project evolution and feedback.

Expected Work Standard

  • Ensure security best practices in all aspects of the development.
  • Collaborate with front-end developers to integrate user-facing elements with back-end logic.
  • Implement and manage CI/CD pipelines for automated testing and deployment.
  • Code quality and maintenance.
  • Unit testing and integration testing.
  • Stay connected to best practices in the engineering and Web3 communities.
  • Document the thinking behind the development so others can understand the approach.
  • Adherence to Agile methodologies for project management.

Initial Priorities

This outline presents key priorities for the upcoming term, highlighting significant demands to be addressed. The Integrations Guild will determine the sequence of these priorities to ensure responsiveness to evolving community needs.


About Leonardo Saturnino

16 years of experience in finance products development.

Senior Full-Stack Developer, worked as a Core Developer for the ElasticDAO and ElasticSwap projects.

Skilled in ECMAScript 6, Typescript, Python, Jest, EthersJS, Hardhat, React, Angular, NextJS, IPFS, and various Web3 technologies.

Coordinated the development of a permissioned blockchain consortium focused on pension funds.

Knowledgeable in blockchain architecture and consensus algorithms.

Effective project management and deployment capabilities.

Educational qualifications in Computer Science and Blockchain development.


Rate: $85 USD per hour, paid in Threshold (T) tokens.

Payment Terms: Bi-weekly invoicing.

DAO Recommendation

Hire Leonardo Saturnino for a 6-month renewable period.

Schedule: 30 hours per week.


I can attest that working with Leonardo thus far has been a pleasure. I recently asked for help with adding tBTC on Mezo, Verus and BOB to the Threshold Dune Dashboard (take a look for yourself - https://dune.com/threshold/tbtc) and everything was implemented to a very high standard and quickly, as we were on a tight timeframe.

Having Leonardo contribute in a more permanent manner would be of great benefit to the DAO, as well as the tasks detailed in the notion above, Leonardo’s involvement would also help facilitate the growth of tBTC to multiple chains, where there is more of a technical lift.


Full support on Leonardos addition to the DAO.

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Strongly support this proposal.

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Full support to this proposal :slight_smile:

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The DAO’s engineering backlog well exceeds the developer resources we currently have (one developer) with thUSD, TacoScan, native minting on Arbitrum, and several L2s integrating tBTC.

Leonardo has already volunteered and helped out for high priority efforts such as the one @eh_ethan detailed. His work is great quality, and he is a quality engineer we are lucky to work with.

To get an idea of the amount of development work the DAO needs, see the draft shared roadmap: https://www.notion.so/thresholdnetwork/Shared-Roadmap-0b8b36f8dd8040e1935f9c4c7907b8f6?pvs=4

Strongly support this TIP.