DAO Contractooors

Name: Ashley (MrsThreshold)

Role: Threshold DAO Marketing Lead

Rate: $85/hour

Funded by: Threshold DAO

Week Start Week End Hours Total (USD)
11/01/2023 11/04/2023 18 $1530
11/05/2023 11/11/2023 30 $2550
11/12/2023 11/18/2023 30 $2550
11/19/2023 11/25/2023 24 $2040
11/26/2023 11/30/2023 24 $2040

Total: $10,710

Payment address: 0x4f1eFe177057DB679A7Cbe1cf92aCf2aD5B7aA74 (mrsnu.eth)

Respectfully requesting review from @JohnPackel @Luna5 @Vict0r


Name: Sap
Role: Growth Coordinator
Rate: $85/h, 30 hours per week.

Week Start Week End Hours Total (USD)
30/10/2023 03/11/2023 30 $2550
06/11/2023 10/11/2023 30 $2550
13/10/2023 17/11/2023 30 $2550
20/11/2023 24/11/2023 30 $2550
27/11/2023 01/12/2023 30 $2550

Total: $12,750

Payment address: 0x140f874A7c31A9E09B30b46420B4A5FBb8975897

Respectfully requesting review from @Vict0r, @Eastban. Apologies for the lateness.

1 Like

Name (or pseudonym): Luna5
Role: Project Manager
Rate: $500 USD per day paid in T, USDC and/or ETH.

Start Period Rate (USD)
1/12/2023 500
4/12/2023 500
5/12/2023 500
6/12/2023 500
11/12/2023 500
12/12/2023 500
13/12/2023 500
14/12/2023 500
15/12/2023 500
18/12/2023 500
19/12/2023 500
20/12/2023 500
21/12/2023 500
22/12/2023 500
26/12/2023 500
27/12/2023 500
28/12/2023 500
29/12/2023 500
Total number of days: 18
Grand Total: $9000

All expenses and taxes included in the total price.

Address for payments: luna5.eth

Kindly requesting auditing to @jakelynch, @Eastban, @ben.

1 Like

Name: Vict0r
Role: Threshold Support Moderator
Rate: $6,500/month
Funded by Integrations Guild

Start Period End Period Total (USD)
12/01/2023 12/31/2023 $6,500


Respectfully requesting review from @Eastban @sap @the_egg1 @eh_ethan


Name: East
Role: POL Operations Coordinator
Rate: $85/h, 18 hours per week.

Week Start Week End Hours Total (USD)
12/04/2023 12/08/2023 18 $1530
12/11/2023 12/15/2023 18 $1530
12/18/2023 12/22/2023 10 $850
12/25/2023 12/29/2023 4 $340

Total: $4,250

Payment address: 0x4c78b953dEf77D686615ef4C25570da550Cee6D1

Respectfully requesting review from @Vict0r @sap

Name: Ashley (MrsThreshold)

Role: Threshold DAO Marketing Lead

Rate: $85/hour

Funded by: Threshold DAO

Week Start Week End Hours Total (USD)
12/01/2023 12/02/2023 6 $510
12/03/2023 12/09/2023 30 $2550
12/10/2023 12/16/2023 30 $2550
12/17/2023 12/23/2023 30 $2550
12/24/2023 12/30/2023 18 $1530

Total: $9,690

Payment address: 0x4f1eFe177057DB679A7Cbe1cf92aCf2aD5B7aA74 (mrsnu.eth)

Respectfully requesting review from @JohnPackel @Luna5 @Vict0r

1 Like

Name: Sap
Role: Growth Coordinator
Rate: $85/h, 30 hours per week.

Week Start Week End Hours Total (USD)
12/04/2023 12/08/2023 30 $2550
12/11/2023 12/15/2023 25 $2125
12/18/2023 12/22/2023 30 $2550
12/25/2023 12/29/2023 10 $850

Total: $8,075

Payment address: 0xF37D90763D11336D4A6698a532368F2B91E6a81A

Respectfully requesting review from @Vict0r, @Eastban.

1 Like

Name: Sap
Role: Growth Coordinator
Rate: $85/h, 30 hours per week.

Week Start Week End Hours Total (USD)
01/01/2024 05/01/2024 30 $2550
08/01/2024 12/01/2024 30 $2550

Total: $5,100

Payment address: 0xF37D90763D11336D4A6698a532368F2B91E6a81A

Respectfully requesting review from @Vict0r, @Eastban. I am posting early due upcoming time AFK.

1 Like

Name (or pseudonym): Luna5
Role: Project Manager
Rate: $500 USD per day paid in T, USDC and/or ETH.

Start Period Rate (USD)
2/1/2024 500
4/1/2024 500
8/1/2024 500
9/1/2024 500
10/1/2024 500
11/1/2024 500
12/1/2024 500
15/1/2024 500
16/1/2024 500
17/1/2024 500
18/1/2024 500
19/1/2024 500
22/1/2024 500
23/1/2024 500
24/1/2024 500
25/1/2024 500
26/1/2024 500
29/1/2024 500
30/1/2024 500
31/1/2024 500
Total number of days: 20
Grand Total: $10000

All expenses and taxes included in the total price.

Address for payments: luna5.eth

Kindly requesting auditing to @jakelynch, @Eastban, @ben.

1 Like

Name: Vict0r
Role: Threshold Support Moderator
Rate: $6,500/month
Funded by Integrations Guild

Start Period End Period Total (USD)
01/01/2024 01/31/2024 $6,500


Respectfully requesting review from @the_egg @eh_ethan @Eastban

1 Like

Name: Ashley (MrsThreshold)

Role: Threshold DAO Marketing Lead

Rate: $85/hour

Funded by: Threshold DAO

Week Start Week End Hours Total (USD)
01/02/2024 01/06/2024 24 $2040
01/07/2024 01/13/2024 30 $2550
01/14/2024 01/20/2024 30 $2550
01/21/2024 01/27/2024 30 $2550
01/28/2024 01/31/2024 18 $1530

Total: $11,220

**Payment address:**0x4f1eFe177057DB679A7Cbe1cf92aCf2aD5B7aA74 (mrsnu.eth)

Respectfully requesting review from @JohnPackel @Luna5 @Vict0r

1 Like

Name: Ethan
Role: Growth Coordinator
Rate: $85/h, up to 20 hours per week.

Week Start Week End Hours Total (USD)
22/01/2024 28/01/2024 12.5 $1062.5

Total: $1062.5

Payment address: 0x2d0501dAF1A7f2a68aB0Cb61Cc0a7DBBa5fd949D

Respectfully requesting review from @Vict0r, @Eastban.

1 Like

Name: East
Role: POL Operations Coordinator
Rate: $85/h.

Week Start Week End Hours Total (USD)
01/02/2024 01/05/2024 18 $1530
01/08/2024 01/12/2024 18 $1530
01/15/2024 01/19/2024 18 $1530
01/22/2024 01/26/2024 18 $1530
01/29/2024 02/02/2024 18 $1530

Total: $7,650

Payment address: 0x4c78b953dEf77D686615ef4C25570da550Cee6D1

Respectfully requesting review from @Vict0r @sap

Name: Evandro Saturnino
Role: Fullstack developer
Rate: $74USD per hour paid in T.

Week Start Week End Hours Total (USD)
02/01/2024 05/01/2024 32 $2368
08/01/2024 12/01/2024 40 $2960
15/01/2024 19/01/2024 40 $2960
22/01/2024 26/01/2024 32 $2368
29/01/2024 31/01/2024 40 $2960

Total: $13,616 in T tokens
Address for payments: saturnino.eth

Kindly requesting auditing to integrations guild,
@Eastban @JohnPackel @eh_ethan @the_egg @Vict0r @sap


@EvandroSaturnino typo on the 40 hr. weeks: 40 x $74 = $2,960. Imagine you were looking at the 8 at end of the 32 hour weeks ($2,368).

1 Like

That’s correct, thank you for catching that. Already edited it with the correct amounts

1 Like

Name: Ethan
Role: Growth Coordinator
Rate: $85/h, up to 20 hours per week.

Week Start Week End Hours Total (USD)
01/02/2024 04/02/2024 10.5 $892.50
05/02/2024 11/02/2024 12.75 $1083.75
12/02/2024 18/02/2024 7.5 $637.50
19/02/2024 25/02/2024 12.75 $1083.75
26/02/2024 29/02/2024 1.25 $106.25

Total: $3803.75

Payment address: 0x2d0501dAF1A7f2a68aB0Cb61Cc0a7DBBa5fd949D

Respectfully requesting review from @Vict0r, @Eastban.

1 Like

Name: Evandro Saturnino
Role: Fullstack developer
Rate: $74USD per hour paid in T.

Week Start Week End Hours Total (USD)
01/02/2024 04/02/2024 16 $1184
05/02/2024 11/02/2024 40 $2960
12/02/2024 18/02/2024 16 $1184
19/02/2024 25/02/2024 40 $2960
26/02/2024 29/02/2024 32 $2368

The sum is $10,656, however, last month there was a typo that resulted in an overpayment of $24.
So, this month’s total should be adjusted by deducting $24, resulting in $10,632 ($10,656 - $24).

Total: $10,632 in T tokens
Address for payments: saturnino.eth

Kindly requesting auditing to integrations guild,
@Eastban @JohnPackel @eh_ethan @the_egg @Vict0r @sap


Name: Ashley (MrsThreshold)

Role: Threshold DAO Marketing Lead

Rate: $85/hour

Funded by: Threshold DAO

Week Start Week End Hours Total (USD)
02/01/2024 02/03/2024 12 $1020
02/04/2024 02/10/2024 30 $2550
02/11/2024 02/17/2024 30 $2550
02/18/2024 02/24/2024 30 $2550
02/25/2024 02/29/2024 24 $2040

Total: $10,710

Payment address: 0x4f1eFe177057DB679A7Cbe1cf92aCf2aD5B7aA74 (mrsnu.eth)

Respectfully requesting review from @JohnPackel@Luna5 @Vict0r

1 Like

Name (or pseudonym): Luna5
Role: Project Manager
Rate: $500 USD per day paid in T, USDC and/or ETH.

Start Period Rate (USD)
1/2/2024 500
2/2/2024 500
5/2/2024 500
6/2/2024 500
7/2/2024 500
8/2/2024 500
9/2/2024 500
12/2/2024 500
13/2/2024 500
14/2/2024 500
15/2/2024 500
16/2/2024 500
19/2/2024 500
20/2/2024 500
21/2/2024 500
22/2/2024 500
23/2/2024 500
26/2/2024 500
Total number of days: 18
Grand Total: $9000

All expenses and taxes included in the total price.

Address for payments: luna5.eth

Kindly requesting auditing to @Vict0r , @Eastban, @ben.