GP-033 Threshold Integrations Guild Nominations Election - Epoch 5, 2024

Hello Threshold community!

Following the procedure stated in GP-11 / TIP-031 2 regulating the Guild Committee Elections and Nominations, we open the nominations for the elections of the Integrations Guild Committee Members.

In this 5th epoch we vote 4 seats. These 4 seats correspond to the members that were elected in February 2023 elections , i.e., eh, sap, the egg and Evandro. For a complete review of the elections timelines, number of seats and community members elected, see this Notion space.

The IG seats are currently held by community members:

  • @Eastban - Elected August 2023
  • @JohnPackel - Covering Nax’s seat - Elected August 2023
  • @Vict0r - Elected August 2023
  • @eh_ethan - Elected February 2023
  • @sap - Elected February 2023
  • @the_egg1 - Elected February 2023 - IG expansion
  • @EvandroSaturnino - covering ZeroInfo’s seat - Elected February 2023 - IG expansion

We encourage everyone to participate and provide their nominations, any DAO member can be nominated for an upcoming guild committee seat, including self-nominations. Bear in mind that a person who is nominated by another member must confirm their intent to be a candidate.

Focus of our Integrations Guild

The core mission of the Threshold Integrations Guild is to build successful, synergistic and long-lasting relationships with other protocols, DAOs and external organizations. The TIG has recently extended their responsibilities and now owns the oversight of different DAO-led initiatives and projects such as the bug bounty, as well as the oversight of the functions of the different DAO contractors.

Timeline for the Elections

  1. January 18th - February 11th - Nomination period, where you can nominate yourself or nominate another member of the community by replying to this forum post.
  2. February 12th, 3pm ET - Community Call to meet our nominees. We have traditionally held a call to meet our nominees and allow them to introduce themselves to the community and explain why they are running for our guilds. This time, we will make use of this allotted time in the case we have new candidates participating.
  3. February 12th - February 18th - Snapshot vote.
  4. February 19th - February 29th - Transition period.
  5. March 1st, 2024 - The new term starts for the elected members, which will serve 1-year term: March 1st 2024 - February 28th 2025.

What do I need to become a Threshold Network Guild Committee Member?

Becoming a committee member would be easy and smooth, the elections of the guilds are staggered, thus you will have a good onboarding experience led by your peers. To be part of our guilds, we request our members to own a hardware wallet. While prior knowledge and experience with multisigs on mainnet, L2’s, and Solana/Base networks are beneficial, they are not mandatory.

If you have any questions join us on Discord and ask away!


I would like to extend a nomination to everyone currently up to re election. @eh_ethan and @sap have been a power house of contributions and @EvandroSaturnino’s subject matter expertise has been amazing to have on the team.

I know @sap has a new position that may interfere but I want to make sure he feels welcome to stay.

@EvandroSaturnino has a proposed contractor role, but assuming he is willing to do both the contractor and committee member, I would love for him to continue as an IG team member.


I’d like to nominate myself for the Integrations Guild.

About Me
My name is Randy Ramig, aka shoegazer. I’ve been involved with NuCypher running PRE since the Worklock and have been running a TBTC node since v2 release. I was recently added as a TBTC Beta Staker and was awarded in the “Do Cool ■■■■, Get Rewards” program for improving the ability for stakers to monitor their TBTC uptime.

I am a Principal Software Engineer at Microsoft, where I have worked for over 26 years up and down the Windows stack and am now in the Azure division working on cloud infrastructure for supply chains. I have recently become an empty-nester and with that extra time I am looking to step up my contributions to the Threshold DAO.

I have been in the Web3 rabbit hole since 2017 and have experience in Solidity and EVM tooling. I also run nodes for Cosmos projects and have been validating Ethereum since the Beacon Chain’s genesis block.

Why Me
Over the course of my career I have contributed and lead several technical initiatives across disparate organizations and delivered results. I think the Integrations Guild can directly benefit from this experience and skill-set.

Where I can contribute best as an IG member is tackling initiatives that require some engineering expertise, such as reducing centralization in our uptime/rewards calculation or working with partners on the technicals of integrating Threshold apps.

Thanks for your consideration and please reply to this with any questions you have.


I would like to nominate @sap, @EvandroSaturnino and @the_egg1. Over the past year I have had the privilege of working with these very talented individuals. Each extremely strong in their own domain and work cohesively to achieve the goals of Threshold Network.

Thank you @the_egg1, I accept your nomination.


Thank you Ethan for the vote of support. I happily accept the nomination.


I am writing to express my enthusiastic support for the nomination of @eh_ethan, @sap, and @the_egg1 for their remarkable contributions this past term. Each of them has demonstrated exceptional talent and expertise in their respective domains.

Additionally, I am grateful to accept the nomination from both @eh_ethan and @the_egg1.


Thank you for the nominations and kind words Egg, Ethan and Evandro. I would like to accept the nomination.

I am very pleased to see @shoegazer69 apply! Shoe has demonstrated deep knowledge and experience of Threshold products and node operations and would make an invaluable contributor.


All candidates under consideration have proven to be exceptionally valuable contributors. Consequently, it prompts the question of whether it is an opportune moment to propose an expansion of the committee by an additional seat, or alternatively, to explore mechanisms that enable individuals who are not committee members to offer their contributions.

In making my selections, I faced a challenging decision regarding @eh_ethan. Opting not to vote for him does not detract from his commendable qualities and significant contributions; he is, without doubt, a remarkable individual. Given @eh_ethan’s role with the DAO, which intersects with the functions of both IG and MG, his contributions will remain invaluable, even in the absence of formal committee membership.

@shoegazer69, who has been a dedicated community member and a volunteer contributor for an extended period, is someone I have long hoped would assume a more permanent role within our organization. My decision to vote as I did is a reflection of this sentiment.

I am convinced that each candidate would bring valuable contributions to our community. As a DAO, it is imperative that we engage in collective brainstorming to devise innovative strategies for scaling our base of contributors. This endeavor is crucial for our sustained growth and success.


Congratulations everyone! We have the results for the IG Snapshot vote and we have our candidates selected:

shoegazer: 162M T - 24.83% Elected
the_egg: 156M T - 23.92% Elected
sap: 145M T - 22.25% Elected
evandro: 111M T - 17.06% Elected
eh_ethan: 78M T - 11.93%

@shoegazer69, @the_egg1, @sap and @EvandroSaturnino, welcome to the Threshold Integrations Guild!!
All elected members will be able to serve a 1-year term spanning March 1st 2024 - February 28th 2025.

We request all our committee members that they have a hardware wallet for the committee addresses. We also need that you provide your ETH (and polygon) addresses to add you to the IG multisig and also a payment address (that can be the same or different as the signing address) as responses to this forum post.

Resulting Committee Members and Addresses:
@shoegazer69 - (payment and signing) 0x8D56D8b7f9402535480a20b4f4721fBBF8b3D3c7
@the_egg1 - 0x7CB5ee216032C527732bce22b409aC764207eF28
@sap -

  • Signer Address (unchanged): 0xbC341C834B0BA6d2B1398d5f4f83e76196865cDE
  • Payment Address (updated): 0x9469be87965b2B4f50a000E35928634460017Aea

@EvandroSaturnino -

  • Signer address: 0x8122158AaabA26eA9e6fB3eD2dfe3fb6B4D9Bd32
  • Payment Address: 0xf1c30d30e07e6940d1c12ea25502e2c40d752171